
Depending on the context, powdr allows more or less features for expressions.

Inside values for declarations, you can use a very flexible language which includes many different operators, function calls, lambda functions, tuple types, statement blocks, match statements and others.

In statements and expressions that are required to evaluate to constraints / polynomial identities, only a much more restrictive language can be used. Expressions in that language are called Algebraic Expressions. While you can use the full language everywhere, in the context of a constraint, the result after function evaluation and constant propagation has to be an algebraic expression.

Generic Expressions

The expression language allows the following operators, in order of increased precedence:

  • lambda functions: |params| body. Examples: |i| i (the identity), |a, b| a + b (sum)
  • || - logical or
  • && - logical and
  • <, <=, ==, !=, >=, > - comparisons and = - identity operator
  • | - bitwise or
  • ^ - bitwise xor
  • & - bitwise and
  • <<, >> - left and right shift
  • +, - - addition and subtraction (binary operator)
  • *, /, % - multiplication, division and modulo
  • ** - exponentiation
  • -, ! - numerical and logical negation (unary operators, prefix)
  • ' - "next row" operator (suffix)
  • [], () - array index access and function calls

Elementary expressions are

  • number literals (integers)
  • string literals, written in double quotes, e.g. "hello"
  • array literals written in square brackets, e.g. [1, 2, 3]
  • tuples, having at least two elements, e.g. (1, "abc")
  • statement blocks (see below)
  • match expressions (see below).
  • if expressions (see below).

Parentheses are allowed at any point to force precedence.

Lambda Functions

The only way to declare a function in pil is by assigning a lambda function to a symbol.


let x = |i| i + 1;

If you want to specify the types of parameters or return values explicitly, you have to do it on the symbol, you cannot do it on the parameters:

let x: int -> int = |i| i + 1;

It is possible to use patterns in the function parameters:

let y: (int, int), int -> int = |(i, j), _| i + j;

If you use patterns, they have to be irrefutable, which means that the pattern has to be able to match any value of the given type.

Statement Blocks

A {-}-delimited block can be used everywhere where an expression is expected.

It has the form { <statement> ; <statement> ; ... ; <expression> }, i.e. a sequence of statements followed by an expression. The statements can either be expressions (f();, only inside constr-functions) or let statements: let x = ...; / let x;

The value of the statement block is the value of the final expression.


let plus_one_squared = |x| { let y = x + 1; y * y };

Let statements with value can be used everywhere, they just bind an expression to a local variable and allow to avoid repeating the expression. You can use patterns for the left hand side of let statements to destructure values.


let f = |i| (i / 2, i % 2);
let (quot, rem) = f(7);

The second let statement will create two local variables x and y. You can also ignore values using the _ pattern element. For details, please see the patterns section.

Let statements without value (let x;) create a new witness column and are only allowed inside constr-functions.

Similarly, an expression at statement level (e.g. x * (x - 1) = 0;) can be used to create new constraints that are added to the global constraint set and this can only be done inside a constr-functions.

Note that you can always create constraints and return them from a function, even in pure function.


let constrain_to_bool: expr -> Constr = |x| x * (x - 1) = 0;

Match Expressions

Match expressions take the form match <value> { <pattern 1> => <value 1>, <pattern 2> => <value 2>, _ => <default value> }, with an arbitrary number of match arms.

The semantics are that the first match arm where the pattern equals the value after the match keyword is evaluated.

Patterns can be used to destructure more complex data types and to capture values inside new local variables. For more details, please see the patterns section.


let fib = |i| match i {
    0 => 1,
    1 => 1,
    _ => fib(i - 2) + fib(i - 1),

If Expressions

If expressions take the form if <condition> { <true value> } else { <false value> }, where the "else" part is not optional.

If the condition evaluates to true, then <true value> is evaluated, otherwise <false value> is.


let is_seven = |i| if i == 7 { 1 } else { 0 };

Algebraic Expressions

For constraints (or functions called at a place where a constraint is expected), the expression syntax is limited: After evaluating function calls and performing constant propagation, the resulting expression has to be an "algebraic expression". These are restricted in the following way:

  • You can freely use the operators +, -,*.
  • The operator ** must have a number as exponent.
  • The operator [i] must have a column name on the left-hand side and the index must be a number.
  • The operator ' must have a column or [i] on the left-hand-side.
  • No other operators are allowed.

Arbitrary parentheses are allowed.

The following example illustrates how you can still use the generic language:

namespace Main(16);
    // Returns folder(...folder(folder(0, f(0)), f(1)) ..., f(length - 1))
    // This is a generic function.
    let<T1, T2> fold: int, (int -> T1), T2, (T2, T1 -> T2) -> T2 =
        |length, f, initial, folder| match length {
            0 => initial,
            _ => folder(fold(length - 1, f, initial, folder), f(length - 1))
    // returns f(0) + f(1) + ... + f(length - 1)
    let sum = |length, f| fold(length, f, 0, |acc, e| acc + e);
    // This function takes an algebraic expression (a column or expression
    // involving columns) and returns an identity that forces this expression
    // to equal 20. Note that `=` is not an assignment but creates an identity constraint.
    let equals_twenty: expr -> Constr = |x| x = 20;
    // This declares an array of 16 witness columns.
    col witness wit[16];
    // This expression has to evaluate to an identity, but we can still use
    // higher order functions and all the flexibility of the language.
    // The sub-expression `sum(16, |i| wit[i])` evaluates to the algebraic
    // expression "wit[0] + wit[1] + ... + wit[15]", which is then
    // turned into the identity by `equals_twenty`
    // wit[0] + wit[1] + ... + wit[15] = 20.
    equals_twenty(sum(16, |i| wit[i]));

    // We constrained the sum to equal twenty, but there is no unique solution
    // to that constraint. In order to fully constrain the system, we need to
    // add something more: The first fifteen columns should all be one.

    // returns [f(0), f(1), ..., f(length - 1)]
    let make_array = |length, f| fold(length, f, [], |acc, e| acc + [e]);
    // If an expression evaluates to an array of constraints, all the
    // constraints in the array are added to the system.
    make_array(15, |i| wit[i] = 1);

Constr and Query Functions

Every function in PIL is either a pure, a constr or a query function. They are denoted by

  • |...| ...
  • constr |...| ...
  • query |...| ...

Inside constr functions, it is possible to create new witness columns and add constraints to the set of constraints (see the Statement Blocks section for details).

Inside query functions, it is possible to evaluate the value of a column on the "current" row using the std::prover::eval function.

Both actions require a certain context to be available, which is not the case for example when the values of a fixed column are computed.

A query function can only be used in the query or hint part of a witness column while constr functions can only be evaluated in the constraint part of a namespace or machine.

You can define and call new constr functions inside a constr function and you can call and define new query functions inside query functions, but as soon as you enter a pure function, this is not possible any more.


// This function creates and returns a new witness column.
let new_wit = constr || { let x; x };
// Queries the current value of a column and returns its square.
let square_of = query |x| { let v = std::prover::eval(x); v * v };
// Creates a new witness column, constrains it to be boolean and returns it.
let new_bool = constr |x| { let x = new_wit(); x * (x - 1) = 0; x };
// This is a pure function that only returns a constraint, but does not add it
// to the global set of constraints.
let bool_constraint: expr -> Constr = |x| x * (x - 1) = 0;