

The following functions are built into the compiler. They need to be defined to be accessible, but their assigned value is ignored and the compiler replaces it with the following.

Array length

let<T> std::array::len: T[] -> int

Returns the length of an array as an integer.


let x = [1, 2, 3];
let l = std::array::len(x); // returns 3


let std::check::panic: string -> !

Aborts evaluation and prints its argument as error message as a side-effect of its evaluation.

Since panic does not generate a constraint, it cannot be used for correctness checks. The verifier only checks constraints / identities and thus ignores anything that could lead to a panic. Panic should only be used to check prover-internal consistency.


let secp256k1_inverse = |x|
    if x == std::convert::fe(0) {
        panic!("Tried to compute the inverse of zero.")
    } else {
        std::math::ff::inverse(x, secp256k1_modulus);


let<T: FromLiteral> std::convert::fe: T -> fe

This function is meant to be used on int, but also works on fe for convenience.

It converts a non-negative integer less than the field modulus to a field element. Causes a type error in all other cases.

If the argument is already a field element, it is returned without modification.

let<T: FromLiteral> std::convert::int: T -> int

This function is meant to be used on fe, but also works on int for convenience.

It converts a field element to an integer.

If the argument is already an integer, it is returned without modification.

let<T: FromLiteral> std::convert::expr: T -> expr

This function is meant to be used on int, but also works on fe and expr for convenience.

It converts an integer to an expr.

If the argument is already an expr, it is returned without modification.


let std::debug::print: string -> Constr[]

This function takes a string and prints it on the standard output during evaluation, as a side-effect of its evaluation.

This function should only be used for debugging purposes.

Note that the function does not append a newline at the end.

It returns an empty Constr array so that it can be used at statement level where constraints are expected.


let std::field::modulus: -> int

Returns the current field's modulus as an integer.


// Inside a machine
if std::field::modulus() != 2**64 - 2**32 + 1 {
    panic!("This machine can only be used with the Goldilocks field.")
} else {


let std::prover::eval: expr -> fe

Evaluates a column (potentially with ' applied) on the current row.

This function can only be used for prover queries or hints and it only works on columns (and those with ' applied). This means you cannot use std::prover::eval(x + 1).

In the following example, the column x is evaluated in a prover hint that returns the square root of a number. Example:

machine Sqrt {
    let sqrt_hint: fe -> fe = |x| match x {
        // Code to compute the square root of x goes here.

    col witness x;
    col witness y(i) query std::prelude::Query::Hint(sqrt_hint(std::prover::eval(x)));

    y * y = x;



let std::prelude::challenge: int, int -> expr

Constructs a challenge object, essentially asking the verifier for a random number.

The first argument is the proof stage and the second is the identifier of the challenge.

If you want two challenges to be different, you have to choose different IDs.


let std::prover::min_degree: -> int
let std::prover::max_degree: -> int
let std::prover::degree: -> int

Returns the number of rows / the length of the witness columns, also known as the degree. Outside of fixed column definitions, degree fails if min_degree and max_degree are different.


let std::prelude::set_hint: expr, (int -> std::prelude::Query) -> ()

This function can be used to set a "query function" for a witness column. Query functions are used during witness generation and allow witness column cells to receive a value even though they are not uniquely constrained by the constraints.

The first argument must be a witness column and the function can only be called once per witness column.


There are some types that are not proper built-in types (in the sense that they are not treated specially in the type system), but they are defined in the standard library and are referenced by built-in functions.


The type Constr or more specifically, std::prelude::Constr is the type of a constraint. Expressions at statement level are required to evaluate either to Constr or Constr[].

It is defined as follows:

enum Constr {
    /// A polynomial identity.
    Identity(expr, expr),
    /// A lookup constraint with selectors.
    Lookup((Option<expr>, Option<expr>), (expr, expr)[]),
    /// A permutation constraint with selectors.
    Permutation((Option<expr>, Option<expr>), (expr, expr)[]),
    /// A connection constraint (copy constraint).
    Connection((expr, expr)[])

The operator = can be applied on two expr values and results in a Constr::Identity.

The type implements no traits and allows no operators.


The following operators are supported by powdr-pil with their respective signatures.

let<T: Add> +: T, T -> T
let<T: Sub> -: T, T -> T
let<T: Neg> -: T -> T

let<T: Mul> *: T, T -> T
let /: int, int -> int
let %: int, int -> int
let<T: Pow> **: T, int -> T

let <<: int, int -> int
let >>: int, int -> int
let &: int, int -> int
let |: int, int -> int
let ^: int, int -> int

let<T: Ord> <: T, T -> bool
let<T: Ord> <=: T, T -> bool
let<T: Ord> >: T, T -> bool
let<T: Ord> >=: T, T -> bool
let<T: Ord> <: T, T -> bool

let<T: Eq> ==: T, T -> bool
let<T: Eq> !=: T, T -> bool

let =: expr, expr -> Constr
let ': expr -> expr

let ||: bool, bool -> bool
let &&: bool, bool -> bool
let !: bool -> bool